Flaxseed Oil To Lower Blood Pressure

high-blood-pressureFlaxseed oil is a natural health supplement that has many different beneficial properties. This oil that is full of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), has recently been shown to effectively lower blood pressure.

Flaxseed Oil for Lowering Blood Pressure

People who take flaxseed oil as a regular part of their diet have claimed to experience blood pressure lowering effects. This seems to be replicated in people all over who take the product. The results have led some people to lower the amount of medication they take to control their blood pressure.

The use of taking flaxseed oil gel tablets are a very quick and easy way to lower blood pressure. The amount of omega-3 fatty acids that are contained in flaxseed oil capsules are almost double what can be found in their fish oil counterpart.

If individuals are taking medication to control their blood pressure, then they should consult with their doctor before trying flaxseed oil. There is no concrete evidence to suggest that flaxseed oil can lower blood pressure.

Study: Flaxseed Oil and Low Blood Pressure


This research study that was conducted showed that people who were on a diet that included flaxseed oil saw their blood pressure fall by 6%. The results of this was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the study was conducted by the Laiko Hospital and Harokopio University which is located in Athens, Greece.

For the study, a test group that consisted of 59 men who were in the 50’s and high concentrations of blood-lipids were used. This group of men was then divided into two separate groups and given two seperately different diets

The first group that was studied diet also contained an amount of flaxseed oil. They were given about 8 grams a day of this product.

The second group had a diet that consisted of safflower oil, which was rich in linoleic acid and omega-6.

The researchers were able to note that the men who were on the diet that contained safflower oil did not see a decrease in their blood pressure.

 Researchers did however note based on their results that an increase in the amount of ALA taken can cause significant reduction in diastolic and systolic blood pressure. This can range from 6%.

According to researchers, the group of men prescribed the omega-6, linoleic acid-fortified diet experienced no significant decrease in blood pressure.

The lead researcher in the study pointed out that there was no conclusive evidence that can explain why ALA’s are so effective at reducing blood pressure.

The researchers went on to state that the volunteers were given a specific amount of flaxseed oil per day. This amount, 8 grams, did not occur naturally in the foods people eat everyday.

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